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    My name is Christopher Bunch, I was born in October of 1980. I have an older half sister but she has never lived with me. She has stayed with her grandmother since she was about four or so. It has been me and my mother since I was born. So living in a house with no other kids I had to keep myself occupied and I did so with pencil and paper. According to my mother I have been drawing pictures since I could hold a pencil. I can recall the first comic picture I drew, it was a ninja turtle, Leonardo if I recall correctly.

    I have went to many different elementary schools when I was little and in every art class I took I learned something new. I finished out my high school days at Northwood high school. and that's where I started developing my art skill for real life. I tended to lean more to people and faces. My love for art and illustrations derived from comic books and super heroes. Marvel comic book artists have always been a big inspiration to me and I love there style.

    Over the years I have made a few bucks doing sketches for people who want to give a unique gift to some one for Christmas or a birthday. they would have me draw a loved one such as a grandchild, mother, brother or sister and even a special pet from a picture they had. I would put the finished sketch into an 8x10 frame and it would be ready for wrapping and delivery.

    In the future I hope to draw my own book and maybe make a career out of doing comic art. but for now I thought I would start with the web and see how it goes. I hope you enjoy the art.
